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2018년 5월 27일
What is Your Soft Power?
Not many foreigners knew about Korea in the 1980s. As a child of a diplomat living abroad, I was often ashamed that many foreigners knew...
2018년 5월 27일
My Experience Studying Abroad at Oxford University
For my fourth academic term, I took an adventure to study in one of the most prestigious universities in the world: University of Oxford....
2018년 5월 27일
Come Join Spirit Week: Together, Fun Could be Doubled
Each month, there comes a week where students, whether they are upperclassmen or incoming freshmen, walk around the campus wearing...
2018년 5월 27일
LGBT+ Support Blossoms Within IGC
In the spirit of expanding acceptance and awareness of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Plus (LGBT+) community, Utah University...
2018년 4월 21일
Language Exchange: Bridge Between International and Domestic Students on Campus
Every other Thursday, the Global Lounge is filled with laughter and interactions amongst a group of students, ready to exchange ideas and...
2018년 4월 21일
Richard Yongjae O’Neill Comes Back to Korea with New Album ‘DUO’
Korean-American violist Richard Yongjae O’Neill had a fansign event for his new album, ‘DUO’, on March 23rd. Exactly one week later, the...
2018년 4월 21일
“We Need Your Participation” : A Talk with the New Student Council President and Vice President
In Fall 2016, a number of students took action to structure the GMUK Student Council with the purpose of enhancing communication between...
2018년 4월 21일
Town Hall Meeting: Working Together to Make a Better University
On April 9, 2018, George Mason University Korea (GMUK) held a town hall meeting with President Lee in order to discuss issues that both...
2018년 4월 21일
Cross Registration Amongst IGC Universities Kicks Off
George Mason University Korea (“GMUK”) has launched a ‘Cross-Registration Program’ amongst IGC universities starting from Spring 2018....
2018년 4월 21일
On Familiarity
The familiar. How would you define it, exactly? That feeling of knowing something (or someone) fundamentally? Recognizing it for what it...
2018년 4월 21일
Ready Player One and VR Technology
Steven Spielberg returned to the big screen with the new action-packed sci-fi movie ‘Ready Player One.’ It gained an IMBd rating of 79%...
2018년 4월 11일
[Editorial] The Student Council Should be a Student Representative Organization
Recently, there has been negative public opinion among students about the Student Council’s performance of preparing the Membership...
2018년 4월 11일
[사설] 학생회, 학생을 위한 단체인가
최근 교내 학생들 사이에서2018학년도 엠티 예산 내역 공개와 과잠 선정 과정에 대한 학생회의 행보에 있어 부정적인 여론이 발생하였다. 학생회의 대처에 학생들의 관심이 높아지고 있는 가운데, 학생회의 소통, 책임감 및 운영 문제가 수면 위로...
2018년 3월 28일
North and South, Recent Changes
After several months of tension, North and South Korea reach an agreement to organize a leader summit planned for April. North Korea’s...
2018년 3월 28일
An Unstoppable Standstill on Gun Policy in America
Despite the recent protest for amendment on gun policy, congress is unable to come to a decision / Credit: Reuter Yonhapnews With the...
2018년 3월 27일
Is it me, too?
Professor Claude Drolet, Lecturer / Credit: George Mason University Korea Have you ever made sexist jokes at school or with friends,...
2018년 3월 27일
Paralympics: We Fly Higher Than Challenges
Taking a snap with the official mascot for the PyeongChang Paralympics, Bandabi / Credit: Yehyun Shin Good-bye, Pyeongchang. The Winter...
2018년 3월 27일
Support Services Make Interns Indispensable to Olympics
With the IBC Uniform Team / Credit: Haeun Choi From January 9 to February 26 of 2018, I was a student intern for OBS (Olympic...
2018년 3월 27일
#Passion_Connected: Unforgettable Moments Volunteering at PyeongChang
Posing with the official mascots for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Soohorang and Bandabi/ Credit: Eunchae Ko The 2018 PyeongChang...
2018년 3월 27일
Witnessing the Curling Craze : Interning for OBS
A shot with some members of the Gangneung Curling Center CCR team / Credit: Haseung Joung Wearing layers of shirts, vests and a thick...
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