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2018년 9월 15일
Where Is Your Textbook?
Finding textbooks can be a struggle for university students. Likewise, the process for some George Mason University Korea students has...
2018년 8월 21일
Mason Fall Sports Preview : Your Inside Look Into What’s Coming Up This Fall
With the 2018-2019 academic year off and running so are fall sports. The 2018 cross-country season will be the first one back for Tony...
2018년 8월 21일
Overdoing It
I wonder if Senator Cory Booker has recently been leaving food in the microwave too long. Or swinging his clubs too hard on the golf...
2018년 8월 21일
Right Wing Demonstrators Outnumbered by Counterprotesters for Unite the Right 2 Rally
40 activist groups organized demonstrations in DC to protest the second unite the Right Rally/ Photo by: Dana Nickel and Tisha...
2018년 8월 21일
Start the New School Year Off Right: Four tips to hit the ground running in September
It’s back-to-school time again. Whether it’s your first semester in college or your last, transitioning from summer break to school can...
2018년 8월 21일
Letter from Editor-in-chief of Fourth Estate
Dear students of Mason Korea, My name is Alex, and I’m the Editor-in-Chief of Fourth Estate, the student paper at Mason’s main campus in...
2018년 8월 21일
더보이스, 혁신의 길로 들어서다
2015년 5월 23일 설립 이후 더보이스는 “한국조지메이슨 대학교 내 유일한 언론”이자 “인천 글로벌 캠퍼스(IGC)의 유일한 영자신문”이라는 타이틀을 가지고 발전해왔다. 하지만 매년 줄어드는 신문 회전율과 변화가 없는 독자 참여율의 결과를...
2018년 8월 21일
The Voice, Striving Toward Innovation
Since its establishment on May 23, 2015, The Voice has developed with the title of being “the only media of George Mason University Korea...
2018년 8월 21일
Hye Rin Yoon’s Global Story at Global Green Growth Institution
Hye Rin poses for a photo with her colleagues at GGGI / Photo by Hye Rin Yoon Hye Rin Yoon, a GMUK Global Affairs and Psychology senior...
2018년 8월 21일
GMUK Student Interns at SK Innovation: Showing the Way to Korean Global Companies
Minseong Kang with SK Incheon Petrochem Mentors and Interns. / Photo by Minseong Kang Minseong Kang, a Management sophomore, has recently...
2018년 8월 21일
Resident Advisor, a Liaison that Connects Students and the University
Fall 2018 Resident Advisors / Photo Credit : Hannah Park, Campus & Office Coordinator, Office of Student Affairs 12 student staff...
2018년 8월 21일
New Majors to launch in Fall 2018
Two graduating seniors from GMU Computer Game Design, Noah Bowden and Ryan Kennedy, won a place in top 5 finalists to the E3 College...
2018년 8월 21일
Ceaseless Effort Brings Great Success
<GMUK graduate Yulia Lee (Accounting, ’17) works at one of ‘The Big Four’> Yulia with her co-workers at KPMG Virginia/ Photo by Yulia Lee...
2018년 6월 4일
President Lee Resignation: Fairfax Implements Administrative Organizational Change Part II
The current organizational change that will develop across the months will be a model similar to how University of Utah Asia Campus (UAC)...
2018년 6월 4일
President Lee Resignation: Fairfax Implements Administrative Organizational Change Part I
Monday at 9:23 AM, GMUK students were wakened by an email sent by Provost Wu, stating former President Lee’s resignation. The email...
2018년 5월 30일
[사설]우리는 왜 잉글리시 존이 필요한가?
최근 한국 조지메이슨 대학교 학생들과 교직원들 사이에서 ‘잉글리시 존’과 관련된 논의가 계속되고 있다. 현재 공식적인 절차가 행해지는 단계는 아니지만, 영어 사용을 확대하자는 잉글리시 존의 타당성에 있어 여러가지 의견이 나오고 있다. 이러한...
2018년 5월 27일
[Editorial] Why Do We Need English Zones?
Recently, there has been a stir of discussion amongst faculty and the student body regarding the implementation of ‘English Zones’ at...
2018년 5월 27일
“Try Bravely, Challenge Directly” :Mason Korea Alumni Heads to Geneva Graduate School
Yuna Kim ’17 (Global Affairs), one of the first George Mason University Korea graduates, is heading for the Graduate Institute of...
2018년 5월 27일
Mark Your Calendar and Enjoy Your Summer! 2018 Summer Festivals in Songdo
Imagine being in a crowd full of energy, dancing to the power of youth and living in the moment. There’s no stress, no worries, but a...
2018년 5월 27일
Talk Concert with Ambassadors Opens Windows to World Affairs
The “Talk Concert with Ambassadors” event took place at George Mason University Korea, with ambassadors from nine countries participating...
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