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The Possibility of Explosion of Baekdu Mountain: Are We Living with a Ticking Time Bomb?

Caption: A photo of an active volcano.

The explosion of Baekdu Mountain has been a topic that often catches people’s attention but usually ends up being mere gossip. However, it has become more severe because recent activity on the mountain is alarming, and researchers have begun to believe that an eruption is imminent.

Baekdu Mountain is well-known for being the highest mountain in the Korean peninsula and has significance for being the representative mountain for both South and North Korea. It has been considered to hold the special spirit of the country’s long story. Cheonji, called Heaven Lake, is a volcanic lake on the Baekdu mountain that attracts many tourists for its beautiful view. However, volcanic experts call for attention as this stunning and artistic spot can become an inescapable threat.

The 100-year eruption cycle is the most mentioned hypothesis. Since the eruption in 939, there has been at least one eruption every 100 years. This cycle became the basis for predicting that the next eruption will occur in 2025, 100 years from 1925 when the last explosion occurred. Many experts agree, based on the past 20 years’ tracking of volcanic activity, that there is a high possibility that the mountain can explode at any time. However, it is impossible to predict precisely when it will occur and how big the eruption might be.

The most concerning result of the eruption will be volcanic ashes. Sung-Hyo Yun, director of the Volcano Specialized Research Center established by Korea Meteorological Administration, explained, “Estimated damage caused by the eruption is expected to be about 20 trillion won.” For Koreans, the magnitude of the damage will vary as the direction of the wind determines how much volcanic ash will come into the country. In the worst scenario, all flights will be canceled, inhibiting the nation’s trade and commerce, which will, in turn, cause financial trouble. Airline transportation will be stopped, and Internet connection will have problems, which will have an extensive impact on all citizens. Also, pyroclastic flow, a fast glide of volcanic ashes that burst alongside the eruption, has an extremely high temperature, so it is predicted that the nearby area will be irreparably damaged.

In this period, it is worth remembering the quote from Steve Cyros, the head of the Department of Land Transfer Information Incorporation in the United States, “Remember when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has already passed.” Nobody can tell when the mountain will explode and how much impact it will have on us. However, being aware of the possibility and participating in discussions on the issue will allow us to be better braced for living in a country with an active volcano. Continuous inspection and monitoring of the state of the volcano are required to respond to the potential danger and minimize the possible damages.

Written by Suhyoung Ji| Staff Writer

Revised by Madison Sailakkham|Managing Editor



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