Green Machine performing at Mason Korea’s 10th Anniversary events in front of guests, university leaders, faculty, staff, and students.
Photo Credit: Mason Korea Office of PR and Communications
Green Machine, the Mason Fairfax pep band, performed during Mason Korea’s 10th anniversary events last June, giving Mason Korea students a taste of the home campus.
The band consists of vocalists, instrumentalists, and dancers. Student organizations at
Mason Korea, such as The Voice of Mason Korea, student government, Sketch, and Crescent, were also invited to take part in Green Machine’s performances and behind the-scenes productions with GMedia, Green Machine’s media production team.
“Learning how to utilize professional equipment itself was a huge opportunity,” said Seungho Choi, a business analytics and economics major. “I was able to understand the process of production preparation, filming, and organization.”
GMedia, which focused on the media side of Green Machine’s performances, gave students insight into videography and photography. The GMedia specializes in the promotion and social media of Green Machine, developing quality videos and photographs for their viewers. Mason Korea student leaders encouraged students to film the band, and the 10th anniversary events as a part of the school’s collaborative project.
GMedia gave students interested in photography and filming an opportunity to develop and foster their fascinations. “Even as an amateur, I was directly working with the GMedia members and learning alongside others who participated.”
Mason Korea’s own school bands, Sketch and Crescent, worked with Green Machine to perform songs in both English and Korean. Sungjin Bae, majoring in conflict analysis and resolution, managed the bands’ collaboration and played beside Green Machine. “I was eager to explore the musical narratives within Green Machine’s music concept. I was astonished by their professionalism and their dedication and attitudes toward the events,” Sungjin said.
Both musical groups displayed enthusiasm and passion for the music which surpasses any cultural differences between the two campuses. As Dylan Storie, one of the drummers of Green Machine, put it, “It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, where you come from, what language you speak —music is a language that can be shared universally.”
Considering the success of this collaboration, Mason Korea and Green Machine would like to create a pipeline for Mason Korea students to become a part of Green Machine during their year in Fairfax.
“When coming to Fairfax, Mason Korea students have lots to look forward to,” said
Grace Killius, student performer and marketing operations assistant for Green Machine. “We have such a wide variety of clubs and activities; you are sure to find a community of people you enjoy.” As a large organization, Green Machine and GMedia cover several interests and welcomes students interested in performing, media production, and event organization.Green Machine and Mason Korea hope to strengthen the partnership between the two campuses and expand. Students from Mason Korea attending their required year at Mason Fairfax have the opportunity to network and connect with Green Machine and their team. Together, the campuses are “Two Nations, One Mason.”
Written by Madison Sailakkham | Editor-In-Chief
Revised by Seohyun Kim | Managing Editor