To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Incheon Global Campus (IGC) establishment, the IGC Foundation and its campus universities held various events from October 26 to 28. They were proud to host multiple seminars and festivals which everyone could attend, including the Incheon Metropolitan Council and citizens.
On the 26th, there was an Opening Ceremony in the IGC auditorium. The central government, Incheon Metropolitan Council, Incheon Economic Office, and university officials engaged in the ceremony to commemorate the founding of the IGC. Furthermore, a seminar on the development plan for IGC followed, and panels discussed the IGC’s plan to build a world-class global education hub. On the following day, another seminar on lifelong education was held to present possible ideas to increase IGC’s contribution to the Incheon community by taking advantage of Songdo. Also, a workshop on the Industry-Academic cooperation council kickoff showed IGC’s dedication to connecting the industry and universities for quality education.

Caption : Members of the Mason Korea gaming club, G-nonymous, are posing for the camera
Photo by Chaeyun Kim
IGC community and external guests were also invited to each campus to see a display of students’ works. Computer Game Design students from both the Fairfax and Songdo campus hosted the Mason Arcade on October 27. Various games the students had made in class or clubs were displayed, and guests had the opportunity to participate as well. A member of Mason Korea gaming club, G-nonymous, shared his experience at the event. Euichan Lee (GMUK, Computer Game Design, ‘24) proudly said, “Our work usually takes at least 2 to 6 months of effort to make, and sometimes it becomes challenging due to unexpected issues. But now I am very proud to see guests here enjoying themselves. This event becomes a motive for us to continue our hard work.” Meanwhile, Utah Asia Campus held a Student Film Showcase to present movies produced by student directors.

Caption: Students are waiting for the IGC Music festival to start
Photo by Yoonhye Cho
On October 28, the last day of celebration, the 2022 IGC Music festival was held on the IGC soccer field. Special musicians were invited to join, and they gave terrific performances. Famous K-Pop idol Chung Ha, and talented rappers Ph-1 and BewhY, put on an excellent show through their unique styles of entertainment. Furthermore, 9 student organizations from IGC universities and Gachon University were also on stage to show dance, hip-hop, and music performances that filled the festival with an energetic atmosphere. Ghent University’s Beer Festival was also held on the same day and acted as additional entertainment. As the base of Ghent is Belgium, a country known for quality beer, the theme of their festival was beer. They organized food trucks and booths where visitors could taste various beers. The celebrations were not limited to the IGC community but were open to everyone. Thus, it allowed Incheon citizens to enjoy a mix of foreign cultures and K-pop.
Since its IGC’s establishment, the IGC has made significant progress in creating a global education hub and becoming a leading model for foreign universities further. The seminars and events allowed the IGC community to understand the joint efforts of the Incheon Metropolitan government, foundation, faculty, and students. This 10th-anniversary celebration served as a special milestone for the community, and it is looking forward to seeing another celebration of the IGC achievement in the future.
Written by Yoonhye Cho | Managing Editor
Revised by Yoonhye Cho | Managing Editor