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Facial Recognition Speed Gate in Incheon Global Campus Housing

Newly installed facial recognition speed gate in front of the Housing A entrance on the IGC underground parking lot

Photo Credit: Yu Bin Kwon

As students arrived on campus, a new entrance system was introduced to the Incheon Global Campus (IGC) student housing. Speed gates were installed at the first and basement floors of both housing buildings units. It is the first time that a facial recognition system has been introduced to IGC Housing. While the purpose of the facial recognition speed gate installation is to keep IGC students, faculty, and visitors safe from COVID-19, students are not obligated to yet use the facial recognition system when they enter the housing building. According to the IGC Housing Office, the test run of the facial recognition system began on 11 March, and they expect the new system will bring significant changes to the IGC campus.

The Voice conducted a student satisfaction survey regarding the installation of the facial recognition speed gates. The survey found that 74% of the students surveyed are living in the IGC dormitory. Of that 74%, almost 60% have used the facial recognition speed gate in the housing buildings. Regarding the satisfaction of the system, however, a little more than 10% of the students answered ‘Very Dissatisfied,’ while only 9% reported being ‘Very Satisfied.’ The survey results translate into the concerns regarding the system. Most students were worried about not being able to access the building due to a system malfunction. In fact, while the full-scale operation of the speed gates was scheduled for 26 February, only a small number of students registered their faces on the system, according to the IGC Housing faculty interview information. The number of students who have not registered includes those who do not recognize the necessity of registering, those who returned home immediately after the check-in due to COVID-19, those who missed the check-in period, and those who applied for additional housing and waiting for the check-in at the beginning of April 2021.

Despite the supposed importance of this system as suggested by the IGC Housing Office, the survey shows evidence that this decision was made without consulting the students on campus. The establishment of the speed gates is yet another example of the relationship between the IGC Foundation and students on campus becoming strained. While it is yet to be seen whether this system will significantly improve campus safety, as indicated by the COVID-19 outbreak on the Utah campus in March, it is clear that there is an ongoing debate regarding safety, student privacy, and accessibility.

Yu Bin Kwon, Staff Writer



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