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Faces of Mason: Introducing Professor Imen Hassairi and Professor Denia Fraser

The Voice of Mason Korea conducted interviews to welcome two new faculty, Dr. Imen Hassairi, and Dr. Denia Fraser, who teach MATH 106, and INYO 105 respectively. They openly shared how they have adapted to the new cultural environment in South Korea and also explained the courses that they teach. Math 106 is a course that meets the quantitative reasoning requirement and INYO 105 is a course on questions about identity, race, belonging, equity, and social visibility.

Professor Hassairi ’s Interview

Caption: Interviewing Dr. Imen Hassairi, who teaches MATH 106

Photo Credits: Rohee Kim

Q1. Could you introduce yourself?

I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the College of Sciences, Mason Korea. I hold a doctoral degree in Mathematics and teach undergraduate-level math courses. I arrived in Korea in February 2023.

Q2. How much did you know about Korea before you came to Korea? What comes to your mind about “Korea,” and what impressed you the most?

Before coming, I heard Korea is a very clean and safe country but expensive! After a few months of being here, I agree, but I am impressed with the tasty food. I am also impressed by how Korean people are educated as there is no language barrier in the street, and people can understand English; however, some don’t speak it fluently. It enables us to communicate easily with others, which suits our integration as foreigners.

Q3. What were some challenges of teaching Mason Korea students?

Teaching MATH106 is challenging, as it is not a classic math course. Its concept is quite particular as this course improves the students’ thinking skills and helps them learn how to use math daily.

Q4 What do you pay special attention to while teaching Mason Korea students?

Helping students reach their goals and giving them more instructions to make their learning more accessible and enjoyable.

Q5. What do you want to say to Mason Korea students?

Enjoy your university life, and focusing on your studies prepares you for your future career.

Professor Fraser’s Interview

Caption: Interviewing Dr. Denia Fraser who teaches INYO 105

Photo Credits: Rohee Kim

Q1. Could you introduce yourself?

My name is Dr. Fraser. My hometown is Tampa/Clearwater, FL. I am a Term Assistant Professor of Humanities here at Mason Korea. I arrived here last February.

Q2. How much did you know about Korea before you came to Korea, and what was your most impressive experience in Korea so far?

My research area is Global Anglophone Literature, so, I've read Contemporary Korean Literature written in English and translated into English. These texts gave me a glimpse of Korean culture and society. In addition, of course, I listen to K-pop music, and I've watched Korean dramas. Visiting Seoul was wonderful. As I travel throughout Korea, I will have more experiences to share.

Q3. What comes to your mind when you think of "Korea"?

The culture of Korea is persistent, resilient, and warm. All the Koreans I've encountered have been extremely generous with their time, engagement, and attitude. I'm so fortunate to have benefited from Korean hospitality. I've learned much about being more giving and compassionate in my short stay here.

Q4. What were some challenges of teaching Mason Korea students?

There are sometimes gaps in my communication with students because much of what I teach is about how culture impacts human relationships. Translating how different social ideas/concepts affect our intercultural relationships is hard. Yet, I have the best students. They are hard-working and committed to problem-solving and working through complex thought processes. They help me relate our course texts to Korean concepts or ideas to make connections between life in the U.S. and life here in Korea.

Q5. What do you pay special attention to while teaching Mason Korea students?

Making sure my students understand the ideas we discuss in class is essential. Making those connections is vital if that requires relating it to a similar Korean idea or concept.

Q6. What do you want to say to Mason Korea students?

I want to tell my students how bright their energy is. They are engaged and insightful and challenge me every day.

The Voice of Mason Korea has interviewed new professors and would like to welcome them warm-heartedly. These professors are teaching their classes with excitement and passion. They both responded that Mason Korea has various students from diverse cultural backgrounds, which brings new viewpoints into the classroom. Their goal is to develop Mason students’ academic capabilities and set career directions. To do so, both professors are enthusiastic to actively communicate and engage in conversations with students. Thus, it is important that students reach out consistently and find ways to interact with them.

Written by Rohee Kim | Staff Writer

Revised by Soram Hong|Managing Editor



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