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2021 Resident Advisors are improving residential life

Students participating in Mason Unites Spring event on Feb 26th

Photo Credit: Gio Choi

On 26 February 2021, the Mason Unites Spring events ended successfully with 45 students participating. Mason Unites Spring was a social event that the 2021 Resident Advisors (RAs) designed, and Student Council (SC) members volunteered. RAs planned this event to build a bridge between students to improve their residential life in Mason Korea. To continue to build school spirit, this event became the first of many planned collaborative events between RAs and SC.

The 2021 RAs have planned a diverse set of events and projects to fulfill Mason Korea residents’ needs. To ensure they are fulfilling the needs of students, they have a meeting every week with Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Yorgun Marcel. This weekly meeting is not only to check all the issues around student life in the dormitory but also to brainstorm events to revive the Mason spirit on campus. The first event was "Mason Unites Spring.” The idea and concept were originally presented by Ilya Kim (Global Affairs, ‘23) and developed through meetings with other RAs. In collaboration with the SC, this event ran smoothly and was considered a success. Suk In “Claire” Jung (Conflict and Analysis and Resolution, ‘23), president of the 2021 Student Council, attended the event as a volunteer. She said, “ It was fun but also a chance to detect students’ needs on campus life.”

Another event that the RAs are helping students to engage in university life is decorating the dormitory floor. This idea came up from the 13th, 16th, and 17th-floor RAs of Women Single Dorm. Floor decorations were up to each RAs’ discretion. Based on the collaborative experience through Mason Unites Spring event, SC planned a Spring Social event and RAs will support the event as volunteers. This Spring Social event is for bringing joy to the Spring campus life and approaching more students for recognizing themselves as part of a Mason community.

The Mason student body has gone through a tough year adjusting to the new circumstances. All the struggles became a great experience that student leaders of Mason Korea finally found the best way to bring the Mason community prosperity. Also, now they have the tips and tricks of cooperating with other departments for bringing feasible excitement to campus life. Therefore, Mason Patriots can look forward to the upcoming events designed by our Mason student leaders.

Gio(Goeun) Choi, Staff writer



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