Logo of GMUK Student Council
As we near the middle of the Fall 2021 semester, the 2021 Student Council of George Mason University (GMUK) term is nearing its end as well. On 13 October, the 2021 Student Council held an online Info Session on the 2022 Student Council to provide essential information based on the changes made in the charter of the student council for the potential candidates. The Info Session dealt with important topics, such as candidate eligibility, the strike system, and the enforcement of the advisory committee. Moreover, this session helped students who would like to become members of the following student council understand the student council’s duties. It also revealed efforts by the 2021 Student Council to lay the foundation for the next student council.
During the Student Council Info Session, the Student President and Vice President explained the different changes to improve the Student Council charter. After many meetings and debates, they declared that the final fourth version of the student council charter has officially been confirmed as the valid charter. The three significant amendments that have been made are adding more information about candidate eligibility of president, vice president, and major representatives to earn at least 30 credits to run for office.
Another significant change is the introduction of the strike system that emphasized the importance of student council members not to miss any regular meetings or school events. The attendance rate of regular meetings they should keep is stated clearly in the charter to inform student council members’ duties and responsibilities. This system encouraged the student council members to participate in school events actively and fulfill their tasks thoroughly.
The last change in the revised charter is the enforcement of the Advisor Committee. This committee is composed of former student council leaders who will serve as advisors to the current members by answering their inquiries. The student president, Claire Jung (Conflict Analysis & Resolution, ‘22) mentioned that “Since we know how tough it is to lay the foundations of everything, we tried to keep a record of activity reports, event proposals, meeting minutes, calendar, and emails as much as we can. This, we will then pass down to the next Student Council so that they have a formula that they can follow.” She also added that “we hope to remain as part of the Advisory Committee to assist with the general procedures and to make sure that there will be a group of Student Council members that will hopefully volunteer to be part of this committee.”
The next crucial announcement from the info session was about the election process for future candidates of the 2022 student council. Those students had important dates to remember when preparing for the election through the Mason 360 application. One crucial date for students to remember was that the deadline for the 2022 student council to apply is 29 October. Following this deadline, the public hearing will take place on 10 November, and the voting will be held for two days, from 11 to 12 November. They also mentioned that all election campaigns would be carried out online through the Mason 360 application.
The student council info session informed students about changes in the charter and how the election will proceed. Through this, the student body could understand the role and values of the student council as the representative of GMUK. The three significant changes were the eligibility of candidates, the strike system, and the advisory committee. The student president mentioned that the next student council should have a clear vision, communicate well with the team and the student body, and value discipline and relationships. Wrapping up their term, the student president and vice president would like to give a word of advice to the next student council.
“It is important to meet synchronously and plan ahead as many unexpected changes may exist. Also, try to learn and improve from the experiences and remember to gather sufficient student feedback and their input!”, said Claire Jung and Hayun Kim (GMUK, Global Affairs, '23)
Written by Soram Hong | Staff Writer
Revised by Yu Bin Kwon | Managing Editor