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Faces of Mason: Finding the Path to International Security

최종 수정일: 2019년 11월 29일

Seongjae Shin is a graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. (Photo cr. George Mason University Korea)

“Growing up witnessing conflict and terrorism in the Middle East, I naturally got interest and chose the path to study International Security.”

On Sunday, 15th of September, The Voice conducted an online interview with one of graduates in George Mason University Korea, Seongjae Shin, who just started a master’s degree program on International Security at The Paris Institute of Political Studies. More commonly known as Sciences Po, the prestigious university is well known for its specialty in International Relations.

Before completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, experiencing different major-related activities in the GMU Fairfax Campus have led him more immersed towards the field of International Security. “I was assisting the Schar School Delegation back in summer 2017,” he remembers the round table with researchers from the Asan Institute discussing North Korean security issues. “Lots of the real-life stories from experts have left a big impression on me.”

One of the interesting opportunities is the Schar school’s Center for Security Policy Studies (CSPS), which is an institute in the GMU Arlington Campus where students can have the opportunity to gain experience with experts from the military, government, think-tanks and private sectors. There are multiple ways to join, such as applying as a student research fellow and become a part in organizing and designing major events and research projects.

Seongjae also recommends Conflict Analysis and Resolution (CAR) major students to join an internship at Dialogue and Difference Project, in which he was able to take part in organizing lecture series, events and workshops. During the Fall and Spring semesters, the School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) hosts several two-day of Problem-Solving Workshops, to introduce necessary skills for solving protracted, intractable and deep-rooted conflicts. In addition, the department also hosts regular CAR Academic Degree Workshops to introduce course offerings, internships, study abroad opportunities, events where Mason Korea students can interact with fellow students and faculty at the main campus. He encouraged that as being international students in the Fairfax campus, Mason Korea students should actively attend special lectures coordinated by the university - “there are a variety of interesting topics and will be efficient for social, academic and career networking.”

He concludes by advising Mason Korea students to think ahead and find their responsibilities and purposes as the very first essential step, before starting application processes for jobs or graduate school programs. “Try to get internships or volunteering experiences relevant to the field and keep your resume updated.”

After a long time of researching and asking professors’ advice, he decided to apply for Sciences Po, as the program has the merit of developing young professionals from each of their designated research tracks; not to mention having a rigorous program and requiring all students to complete an internship on their 3rd semester.

Now onto pursuing a graduate degree, Seongjae is on the path of understanding the importance of diversity and how a conflict can a whole point of view for people;. He will strive to grow more through the path of International Security.

Written by Hyunseon Kim | Staff Writer

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