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2018년 9월 16일
2018 Marks the 17th Anniversary of 9/11
Mason students discussed their memories of the fateful day Devon Alonge, age 29 Major: Creative Writing “I was in seventh-grade history...
2018년 9월 16일
Cheating is Not Immoral
In third grade, we had a geography quiz and had to fill out the states on a paper map. I got stuck on how to spell Tennessee. Desperate...
2018년 9월 16일
Arabic Language Exchange Network Program Helps Mason Students Learn Arabic
With the help of Tunisian Fulbright Scholar Haoua Gueguez and the Arabic Department, the program is set for growth Being a Category Five...

2018년 9월 16일
Handshake Officially Launches at Mason
Find out how Handshake will benefit your job or internship search… Students are participating at the Handshake Launch Party. On Thursday,...

2018년 9월 16일
On Memories and Reminders
As a sophomore, I am a member of the first class to attend this university that does not have any memory whatsoever of the terrorist...
2018년 9월 16일
Mason Brings Quidditch to Life
The Harry Potter based sport combines rugby, dodgeball and tag When you think of Mason club sports, there is only one that comes to mind...

2018년 9월 16일
The Last Ship out of Debt: Scholarships
When looking for scholarships, here’s some do’s and don'ts. Today, you’re going unlock the secret to financial aid: scholarships. There...

2018년 9월 16일
Rejecting the “Freshman Fifteen”
The world is never in short supply of boogeymen, and when it comes to our self-image and sense of worth, the notion of gaining weight is...
2018년 8월 21일
Mason Fall Sports Preview : Your Inside Look Into What’s Coming Up This Fall
With the 2018-2019 academic year off and running so are fall sports. The 2018 cross-country season will be the first one back for Tony...
2018년 8월 21일
Overdoing It
I wonder if Senator Cory Booker has recently been leaving food in the microwave too long. Or swinging his clubs too hard on the golf...

2018년 8월 21일
Right Wing Demonstrators Outnumbered by Counterprotesters for Unite the Right 2 Rally
40 activist groups organized demonstrations in DC to protest the second unite the Right Rally/ Photo by: Dana Nickel and Tisha...
2018년 8월 21일
Start the New School Year Off Right: Four tips to hit the ground running in September
It’s back-to-school time again. Whether it’s your first semester in college or your last, transitioning from summer break to school can...

2018년 8월 21일
Letter from Editor-in-chief of Fourth Estate
Dear students of Mason Korea, My name is Alex, and I’m the Editor-in-Chief of Fourth Estate, the student paper at Mason’s main campus in...
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